Do you know somebody that has sensitive nose and skins?
Or you have friends that feels heaty easily regardless how much water they drink?
These are all related to our meridians health and body type.
For example, a person who is always feeling colder than others or
easily feel fall sick could be either due to lack of "Yang" energy or insufficient "Qi".
They can take care of their kidney and spleen & stomach meridian.
On top of the LOHAS Meridian Exercise or Flexercise.
They should focus on the daily food that can enhances their "Yang"
One typical food they can take is Ginger. Simple and affordable, isn't?
Understand which category we falls into can help us to take care ourselves better.
In our NEW Daily Food That Nourishes Your Meridian.
- You will discover your body type through a simple step by step self check.
(are you lack of Yin? lack of Yang? lack of Qi? or Sensitive Type?)
- Understand further how your face can tell a story about your internal system health.
- Find out what are the daily food for your body type.
Avoid spending on the expensive supplement and tonic drink.
- Simple Recipe and the daily food you can take.
- Try out our easy to prepare Qi enhancing recipe.
Date: 17 Sept 2011 (Sat)
Time: 3PM - 5:30PM
Venue: 11 Sims Drive, #03-04A.
Workshop Fee:
Early Bird Offer $24 per pax.
$40 per twin pax.
Call/sms 90662770 or email for more information.